PDL Vision Studio

PDL by Schneider Electric – Auckland Vision Studio
PDL’s showroom is designed to be a consultant led interactive exploration of the electrical hardware (switches, sockets, sensors etc) and software (smart tech etc) that PDL offers. The showroom features kitchen, bedroom and bathroom environments with switches to touch and smart home solutions to try. With the virtual tour we wanted to provide an experience as similar as possible to an in person consultation in the studio – with Rob the Auckland consultant explaining various features and functionality in video tags throughout the virtual experience.

Custom 3D Virtual Tour:
The custom virtual tour has a side navigation (accessed via the hamburger menu up the top right), plus brand logo (top left) and other functionality.

Open this custom 3D virtual tour in a new full screen tab by clicking here

Client feedback:

  • “really happy with how it has all come together!  I am going to create a little promo video for it to then load onto the showrooms webpage, and promote on Facebook”

Promo video created by our client:

Standard 3D Virtual Tour:

For a free, no obligation virtual tour consultation, get in touch with an interactive virtual tour specialist today.
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