Auaha Solution

Auaha is our proprietary 3D tour navigation solution. It allows users to quickly move between different areas of a virtual tour, providing a seamless experience and ensuring that they see all that is available to view. This is especially useful for large projects where a navigation menu is necessary to help people understand the extent of the tour and how to move around within it. Additionally, Auaha allows users to move between multiple 3D models or platforms, such as switching from Google Street View to Matterport to view both the interior and exterior of a property or business.

Try it for yourself below. or view it in a new window by clicking here.

Example virtual tour using our Auaha Solution

Omokoroa Country Estate

We have other examples of our Auaha Solution in action on our retirement village and aged care virtual tour examples page here and more available on request.


If you have any questions, please contact us, we’re happy to help.